
sports nutrition

Viele von uns kennen die Situation: Man müht sich zwei Stunden Im Fitnesscenter ab, nur um daheim das übrig gebliebene Dessert vom Vortag zu finden. Schnell ist die negative Kalorienbilanz zunichte… Man weiss, dass Sport und Ernährung Hand in Hand gehen, jedoch vernachlässigt man gerne mal den Teil mit der Ernährung. Ähnlich verhält es sich häufig im Leistungssport, wo die Ernährung für einige immer noch eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt und viele Ernährungsmythen, die wenig wissenschaftlich fundiert sind, im Umlauf sind. D
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Team sports performance is highly demanding in terms of physiological and psychological aspects. Furthermore, the competition schedule is often time constrained and athletes need to travel between games during recovery. Therefore, it seems very important to optimize nutritional strategies around training sessions as well as while traveling or competing. This review discusses a variety of different aspects, which are important in the development of a nutritional strategy in a club.
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The regular consumption of acidic drinks can erode dental enamel and promote caries. As many sports drinks on the market feature critically low pH values, it is possible that athletes with regular sports drink consumption harm their oral health. As neither pH nor osmolality values must be labeled on products, it is difficult for athletes to make informed choices. We screened the Swiss market for sports drinks and gels for domestic and international brands and products and analyzed products for their pH, titratable acidity, and osmolality.
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Supplement use in able-bodied athletes during major championships was reported to be around 80 to 90%. In contrast, the prevalence of supplement use in Paralympic athletes according to surveys from 2004 and 2012 was lower with around 40 to 58%. This study aimed to investigate the supplement use in Swiss wheelchair athletes. All Swiss wheelchair athletes were asked to complete a retrospective survey on supplement use during training and competition.
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The intake of caffeine from tablets, coffee and energy drinks has shown to benefit endurance performance, whereas the effect of caffeine bars has not been investigated yet. Therefore, the aim of the study was to examine endurance performance, metabolism and perceived exertion following the co-ingestion of caffeine and carbohydrates in the form of bars.
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